A Trip to the Windy City


A Trip to the Windy City

Got back to the office in Seattle yesterday after nearly a week in Chicago with the new 2022 IREM Board of Directors, the folks from IREM HQ and the IREM Leadership Team. Chicago was beautiful … and cold baby!! (just sayin’ …)

By any standards, we covered a lot of ground this last week, averaging about 15 hours per day. I arrived home from Chicago at 9:30 pm on Monday night, and my first meeting (poached eggs with George) began at 7:00 a.m.; I got home last night (Tuesday night) at 9:15.

Here’s the thing … it’s 4:47 a.m. on Wednesday as I write this, and I couldn’t feel more energized! I got to spend an amazing week in Chicago with incredible people that added to my emotional bank account.

I got back to my peeps at Blanton Turner yesterday; just hanging out at the BT bar and catching up with folks was like a triple espresso for me … y’all ROCK!

(Note to self: Maybe I’ve been spending too much time hanging out with Chip Watts; seem to be getting more fluent in Alabaman … “y’all”??! )

I’m reminded that we can do a whole lot if we are fortunate enough to be surrounded by people we love, trust and care about. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

Barry Blanton


Property Managers Embrace a New Era of Opportunity Without Limits

The way we, as an industry, have always done things won’t carry the day anymore; we cannot be limited in our approach to innovation.


“Normal is overrated … aim higher.”

BONNIE ST. JOHN, ParaOlympic medalist (2 bronze and 1 silver – Slalom Skiing)

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So you’re looking for a new place to call home? Fantastic! We’ve got a variety of available apartment homes we can tell you about. Let us know a bit about yourself and what you’re looking for and we’ll be back in touch soon.

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